Thousands of Universal Codes tested automatically—real savings, zero effort. We find hidden discounts others miss.
Add to Chrome - It's FreeUniversal Codes are reused by 90% of retailers—we test them all instantly to score you discounts others miss. More savings, zero effort.
Pick from 8 categories—like Universal Codes, VIP Perks, Free Shipping, and Seasonal Deals —to snag discounts that fit your shopping style.
Our AI digs through coupon sites, Reddit, and more to bring you unbeatable, up-to-date discounts. Yep, and tries them all.
Everything you need to know about Coupon Hacker
Yes! If a store accepts coupon codes, Coupon Hacker jumps in. From fashion to tech, travel to toys—we've got you covered.
Universal Codes are coupon codes that retailers reuse across their systems—and here's the kicker: about 90% of retailers do this! Most shoppers don't know these exist because they're often hidden gems meant for insiders, friends, or business partners. For example, a code like VIP100 might sound simple, but it's sometimes used to give a 100% discount—rare, sure, but it happens! Other coupon extensions? They usually just show you the basic, company-approved codes like SAVE10. Coupon Hacker digs deeper, testing thousands of Universal Codes to unlock savings others miss.
We're not your average coupon tool. While others stick to the plain codes companies hand them, we test Universal Codes, VIP deals, and even employee discounts they overlook. Plus, our AI scours live databases, Reddit, and more for the latest savings—all with zero effort from you.
None! It's free, in BETA, and we're all ears for your feedback to make it even better. Drop us a line at
Yes, please! We're always growing our savings network. Got a hot tip? Email us at
Totally! Coupon Hacker is a secure Chrome extension built to find and apply coupons—nothing else. No data grabs, no funny business, just savings.